What type of system ?
There are three principle ways to install a radiant heated floor.
Heated cables or mats may be set in the concrete structural sub-floor or under tiles. For wooden and laminate floating floors a very thin yet technically advanced heat emitting film is used. Please refer to individual product data sheets for full specification and design information.
Radiant floor heating film is supplied in rolls of a variety of lengths and ad complete kits of insulated mats, including controls and quick connexion lignes. The heating film is placed directly on top of the standard underlay, secured in place using suitable fixings, and then the floor surface is laid. This is an ideal solution for spot heating or retrofit applications.
Radiant heating cable in the form of a pre-sized mat is placed on top of the concrete sub floor and tile cement is applied. Tiles are then placed over the mats. As with all floor heating, it is important that there is a layer of insulation below the cable to prevent heat loss from the back surface. After drying out and decorating, the heating system is ready to run. In this way, the whole floor surface, except areas to be covered by fixed furniture, will be turned into a large and gentle radiant heating source, ensuring even gentle and invisible heating for the room.
The heating cable is incorporated into the floor at the time of construction. Cable in rolls or presized mats is set into wet concrete, secured in place with plastic pegs and then covered by a level surface of concrete. When the slab is dry, the floor is completed. As with all floor heating, it is important that there is a layer of insulation below the cable to prevent heat loss from the back surface. After drying out and decorating, the heating system is ready to run. In this way, the whole floor surface, except areas to be covered by fixed furniture, will be turned into a large and gentle radiant heating source, ensuring even gentle and invisible heating for the room.
Benefits of Floor Heating
- Radiant heating is highly energy efficient and therefore cheap to operate.
- High comfort levels – the natural form of heat for humans.
- A warm pleasant floor, confortable to the touch.
- Frees up wall space, and secure system .
- Silent, no moving parts such as pumps or fans.
- Little air movement unlike convection systems so no dust circulation.
- Hygienic, clean and discrete.
- Simple to install and once installed there is no maintenance.
- Long system life due to no moving parts.