What type of system ?

There are three principle ways to install a radiant heated ceiling.
The simple yet technically advanced heat emitting film is manufactured in various sizes and strengths and maybe installed behind traditional plaster, incorporated into suspended ceiling tiles or supplied as surface mounting cassettes. Please, refer to individual product data sheets for full specification and design information.


In this way, the heating film is incorporated into the ceiling at the time of construction. The film is normally attached to the ceiling joists directly. Plaster board and then plaster is placed over the film. As with all ceiling heating, it is important that there is a layer of insulation behind the heating film to prevent heat loss from the back surface. After drying out and decorating, the heating system is ready to run. In this way, the whole ceiling surface will be turned into a large and gentle radiant heating source, ensuring even gentle and invisible heating for the room.


Radiant heating film may be incorporated into most popular types of suspended ceiling tile. We take the required ceiling tile, add a layer of heating film to the back and then a layer of insulation. The finished tile looks identical from below but incorporates a discreet and flexible heating system. Tiles may easily be moved if the building use changes, or moved to accommodate new workspace layouts. Neutral tiles – unheated but with insulation – are also supplied to ensure continuous thermal performance across the ceiling. To further facilitate installation, tiles are connected to the electrical supply using special quick connection lines. This dedicated plug and play system requires only final supply connection by an electrical installer.


Radiant ceiling heating may also be installed in the form of surface mounted cassettes. A variety of outputs are available for different ceilings and heights, including decorative architectural models. This is an ideal solution for spot heating or retrofit applications.

Benefits of Ceiling Heating

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