ILO offers the widest range of radiant heating products suitable for all applications. For industries, offices, and homes, in living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms, and for all ceiling heights. ILO has a solution to keep you warm and comfortable.
Radiant heating is the transfer of heat energy using energy waves. Heat energy in the form of radiation will always travel from a hot surface to a cooler surface. Consider the Sun, the Earth’s only source of heat, which is 150 million Km away. The Sun warms the Earth from a fantastic distance purely using radiant energy. Even before the air is warm, heat from the sun can be felt, such on a clear winter morning, or on top of a snowy mountain. Warmth from the sun is instantaneous – you experience this when the sun emerges from behind a cloud.

System Plug & Play

Green Power

From 30% to 50% Energy Savings

100% Confort